A year ago, having got out from one of my exacerbation, I decided to refresh my development skills. By this time, I was already actively used the self-hosted Wallabag service, to read postponed articles from the Internet.
Part 2

As I wrote in the first part of my story, the illness hit me pretty hard. Next, I consistently describe its progress over the years.
I deliberately omit some details in the treatment protocols and the measures that I applied. I will write about this in more detail in the following parts.
Part 1

Towards the end of my third decade, my life began to change. Nutrition, regime, attitude to the outside world. Everything changed.
But not because I read all the best books in the world, reached Everest and attained enlightenment. Not. Everything changed under pressure. And my worst enemy was breaking me.
Update 2.4.0
In the end of the year, I finally could make run on issues in github. During the month was closed 22 reports, that includes bugs and some new features.
Qutebrowser: caret mode
qutebrowser – vim-style internet browser with minimalistic design. Written with python using Qt. It uses Qt‘s web classes QtWebkit and QtWebengine. Author is Florian Bruhin.