Javacomplete2 to jc.nvim

With the advent of LSP, it’s time to finish the development of my plugin for working with Java in Vim. Goodbye vim-javacomplete2, it was fun to be with you.

But, since I wanted to save my workflow when working with Java applications, I decided to transfer the functionality from vim-jc2 to the new jc.nvim plugin.


Implementing «Rich CSS Tooltip» in Hugo

From series: Blogging with hugo

Have migrated my blog from Pelican to Hugo, hopefully that I will write more frequently. Hopefully!

During the migration process I couldn’t resist to implement rich css tooltips with html content ExampleText can contain tags with styles. And even images:
. And again, in the hope, that I will use it later. But I‘m already had fun with this process, that‘s why I will describe how I did it.